Resuming worship in church

Dear friend,

Grace and peace be with you. I hope you and your loved ones are keeping safe and well.

Recent changes to lockdown restrictions mean we may now worship again in our church buildings. Some of you will be eager to get back as soon as possible; other may be wary, or even fearful, about venturing out. Many have valued the wider fellowship of the online services.

We will return to church cautiously and in stages – and nobody should feel under any pressure to attend, including elders. Our priority has to be keeping each other safe. If you feel unwell, then please stay away as an act of care and love towards everyone else.

Changes in church

Please come in through the front doors, even if you have parked in the car park. You will be asked to use the hand sanitiser or wash your hands on arrival, and to keep 2 metres apart from each other. Some of the pews will be roped off to enable distancing. We won’t shake hands, or have any refreshments after worship.

In the service, we are not allowed to sing. The collection plate will be by the door and will not be passed round. The hymn books and pew bibles will be removed.

We will continue to follow the latest advice from the government and the URC.

Thank you so much for your patience and your care.

Every blessing,


Revd Sue McCoan  020 8997 4585    07407 177224                   Wembley Park URC

5 July 2020

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