Summer has arrived at last, and with it a whole raft of sporting competitions. Competition is often seen as a good thing, bringing out the best in people, giving them the incentive to try harder. But it can be truly tough on those who are not the winners. Sports people may train just as hard, and make as many sacrifices, only to find that they will never make it to the top. Hard-working constituency MPs face losing seats they have served for many years, simply because their party has fallen out of favour – and it may not be easy for them to find other work. And at its worst, competition can lead people to cheat or lie.
Paul, writing to the Corinthians, uses the image of a race to describe the Christian life. His competition, though, is not with other believers but with himself, living his life with the kind of discipline an athlete brings to training. Later, he describes the church as a body, where every part matters to the whole and so must be valued and respected. In a very unequal society, this is a radical call for everyone to look out for one another, regardless of worldly status, and to support and encourage those who need most help.
I hope and pray that our new Government will work in the interests of the country as a whole, looking out for the most vulnerable, supporting those in need, and recognising that we are stronger when we work together. I hope that all the sporting competitions are conducted in a spirit of fairness and goodwill. And I hope that, as a church, we will continue to support and encourage one another to deepen our faith.
Every blessing,