Reflections from lockdown
Reflections from lockdown
Reflections from lockdown
Thank you to everyone who contributes financially to the work of Wembley Park URC. We are blessed by your giving and generosity. The easiest way to give, especially while we cannot meet for worship, is by a BACS transfer (for one-off gifts) or setting up a Standing Order with your bank. The church bank account […]
Dear Friends, Where does the time go? We are hardly over Christmas, it seems, and already we are hurtling into Lent. Ash Wednesday this year falls on February 26th, and Easter Sunday on April 12th. I have achieved one thing so far this year: I have found a milkman. Not that the milkman was lost, […]
Come And Meet Each Other Come and find a warm welcome, meet old friends and make new ones, at our informal monthly social evenings. Friday March 20th 7:00pm Terry Lomas Entertains Friday April 17th 7:00pm Cheese & Wine & Quiz Friday May 15th 7:00pm To be announced Unless indicated otherwise, all events take place in […]
Dear Friends, Christmas has arrived in the Ealing Broadway Shopping Centre. Santa’s grotto is in its usual place outside Tesco and on Saturday sacks of toys were being carried in, not by elves but by workmen in hi-vis jackets. So far, the only lights are a line of bulbs around wooden reindeer, but maybe there […]
Come and join with other Christians in Wembley at this special service to mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The service is organised by Churches Together in Wembley, and will be held at the Church of the Ascension on The Avenue. Each church is invited to contribute a Bible reading and a short […]
Our traditional candle-lit carol service takes place on Sunday 15th December at 6pm. Once again, we will be joined by members of the other congregations who worship in this building, a timely reminder that we all worship the same God, even if in different ways and languages, and that we have so much to give […]
Memorial Service, Friday 1st November, 11.30am Minister Sue and the Prayer Group will once again lead us in this short, quiet service to remember those we love who have died. There will be readings and reflections, and the opportunity to light a candle for the lives that were precious to us. All are welcome, so […]
Dear Friends, I hope you are enjoying the summer, and coping with the extremes of heat. Jamie and I have just come back from Barcelona, a city that seems to have everything: art, culture, an excellent public transport system and beautiful beaches. The weather was hot and sunny, but with a gentle breeze and enough […]