Our Away Day this year brought peace and refreshment on one of the hottest days. Carole Elphick led us gently through the day, which began with coffee and worship. In the morning we talked about the things we enjoy, noting how our eyes light up at those thoughts. A bible study on Psalm 148 helped us think about the way trees and hills might praise the Lord simply by being themselves, and from there to think that God delights in us when we are true to ourselves.
After a sturdy picnic lunch, we had time for recreation, either to rest or to try salt-dough modelling. Our second bible study, on Acts 9, reflected on God leading Paul and Peter to new discoveries. The day ended with an informal sharing of tea and cake in an agapé meal
The Niland Conference Centre offered a warm welcome and some cooling breezes through open doors and windows (it was too hot to go outside). Though a number of people were away, or unwell, we felt the day was well worth doing and a blessing to all who took part.