Visitors are always welcome at our church services, whether you are new to the Christian faith, new to Wembley Park or just visiting the area. Below are a few facts about Wembley Park URC services and members. Information is also available through email: [email protected]
Useful Links
The following websites provide information for people who want to find out about, sister Churches, the Christian faith, the Reformed Church and its aims and its founder Jesus Christ. Trinity Church Hindes Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA11RX [email protected] St Erconwald’S Roman Catholic Church 112 Carlton Avenue East, Wembley, HA9 8NB United Reformed Church […]
Greater London Association for the Disabled Group run by members of the Wembley Park United Reformed Church. One Tuesday every month at 8pm Entertainment, Friendship and Refreshments For more information call 02089048668