Dear Friends,
Last week, writing for the Ealing magazine, I commented on
the warm Spring weather. Today it’s snowing! But we are
past the equinox, the clocks have changed, and the evenings
are longer and lighter. We have forsythia in the garden, and
neighbourhood trees are thick with blossom. When there is
so much trouble in the world, it’s good to celebrate the
small joys of the season. And of course we look forward to
Easter and the great joy of resurrection.
I won’t be with you for Easter this year. This magazine is my
last piece of work before a three-month sabbatical. The URC
gives ministers this time for learning, for spiritual
refreshment and professional development; my plan is to
reflect on biblical passages through prayer and artwork. I’m
very grateful to both St Andrew’s and Wembley Park for
making my absence possible, and to our lay preachers,
worship group and visiting ministers who will be leading the
services while I’m away.
The elders will do a fine job of leading the church without
me. If you do feel the need to speak to a minister for any
reason, please contact Pat Tachie-Menson and she will put
you in touch with an appropriate person.
I am hoping that the physical lightness of longer days will be
mirrored by inner lightness, so that when I come back in July
I will be rested and restored and able to bring new energy
and insight to my ministry here.
Meanwhile, I pray that you will continue to support and pray
for one another, and that you will know God with you at all
Every blessing,
Easter greetings from the Minister