Bible Study

Bible Study 2018

Last year we did short courses of Bible Study, using a variety of materials. This year, we are embarking on a more ambitious project: to read through an overview of the whole Bible.

The course is based on the book ‘Essential 100’ by Whitney T Kuniholm, subtitled ‘Your journey through the Bible in 100 readings’. With 50 readings from the Old Testament, and 50 from the New Testament, we get a sense of how the whole story of God’s people fits together.

Each of the 100 readings is roughly a chapter, and we will look at one reading a week. If we work through the year, with breaks for Easter, summer and Christmas, we will get through the whole bible in two and a half years. We will review this at the end of each term, giving ourselves the chance to speed up or slow down, or to have a break, if we need to.

Nobody is expected to come for every session, but

do come as and when you can. Copies of the notes and questions will be available for any sessions you miss, so you can even follow the course at home.

The sessions will be on Thursdays, 10.30am – 12 noon. 

For more information please email

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