Visitors Information

Visitors are always welcome at Wembley Park URC services, whether you are new to the Christian faith, new to Wembley Park or just visiting the area.

Below are a few facts about Wembley Park URC services and members.

Information is also available through email: [email protected]

A warm welcome awaits. front doors

Our front door stewards are here to help and assist. Once inside, please feel free to sit anywhere.

Services are followed by tea and coffee, which is served in the church. This is an opportunity to catch up with new visitors, friends and members.

Toilets are at the rear of the church building.

We welcome families and children.Craft 1
There is plenty of space (and a couch) at the back of the church with a play area for small children and their families.

We have members of the church who are DBS certified, and are able to sit and work with children during service.

There is level access at the side of our
church and plenty of space in the church itself for wheelchairs and pushchairs.20160130_153830-1

There is a loop system to assist the hearing impaired.

We have members of the church who are DBS certified, and are able to sit with vulnerable  adults during the service.

Disabled toilets are at the rear of the church building.

Worship starts at 10.30am every Sunday. Our services are about an hour long, reflective and prayer led.

Services are taken by our minister, members of the church worship team or a visiting minister.Number board and minister stand2
Hymns are sung from Rejoice and Sing hymn book. Books
Hymn numbers are displayed on the board in the front on the right hand side of the pulpit.
The page numbers for the Bible passages are displayed on the left hand side. Our Bible passages are read from the New International Version.

We finish the service with the saying of the Grace to each other:
“May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with us all, now and forever. Amen.”

We are an all inclusive church.
Members and regular attenders are from different backgrounds and are at different stages in our spiritual journeys.

Our members
Our members

We meet together to worship, share fellowship, and celebrate the Good News.
We are here to help and encourage each other through life, good times and bad.
We believe in God our maker and Jesus Christ, his Son, whom He sent to die for our sins, and the Holy Spirit.

All members have a say in how the church is run. Decisions are made during members’ meeting every other month.

You do not have to be a member to attend meetings.

Communion is served on the Second Sunday of month. 20160207_113338

However there are special services during the year when communion is taken. Dates are announced in the magazine.

After the bread is broken and wine poured, the serving elders bring these over the congregation.
You can discreetly indicate to the serving elder if you do not wish to partake.

Offertories are voluntary.
Collections go towards running the church and to charitable organisations.20160207_114814

Regular donations can be made through standing orders, or using envelopes that allow us to receive gift aid on donations.

If you would like to become a member of the church please let an existing member or an elder know.

Moderator & New Members (2)
Induction of new members

The following websites provide information for people who want to find out about sister Churches, the Christian faith, the Reformed Church and its aims and its founder Jesus Christ.

St Andrew’s Ealing
Mount Park Road, Ealing, London, W5 2RS

Trinity Church
Hindes Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA11RX

St Erconwald’S Roman Catholic Church
112 Carlton Avenue East, Wembley, HA9 8NB

United Reformed Church

Windermere Centre

Thames North Synod

Christian Enquiry Agency

Presbyterian Church in Ireland

Premier Christian Media

London School of Theology